the evacuation of the last resisters from the Azovstal factory continues this Tuesday morning

What there is to know

“Ukraine needs living Ukrainian heroes.” In a video published on the night of Monday May 16 to Tuesday May 17, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky paid tribute to the first soldiers evacuated from the Azovstal factory in Mariupol. Besieged for more than a month, the Ukrainian soldiers lay down their arms. kyiv also specified that theRescue operation of the now famous steel plant was still in progress Tuesday morning. Follow our live.

Zelensky wants “ssave the lives of our guys”. The soldiers were evacuated to Novoazovsk and Olenivka, two localities in territory controlled by Russian and pro-Russian forces, in order to be later “trades”according to a vice-Ukrainian Defense Minister. Dn his video, the Ukrainian president recalled that the priority was to “save the lives of our guys”.

Twenty dead in the East. In Severodonetsk, almost surrounded by forces from Moscow, “at least 10 people were killed” in Russian bombardments, announced the governor of Donbass. Pavlo Kyrylenko, the governor of the neighboring region of Donetsk, for his part announced that nine civilians had been killed on Monday and 16 others injured.

Leden makes its candidacy for NATO official. “The government has decided to inform NATO of Sweden’s desire to become a member of the alliance”has said Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson at a press conference. “We are leaving an era to enter a new one”she added.

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