the European Union has frozen nearly 40 billion euros in Russian assets, according to European Commissioner Didier Reynders

Last week, the European Union listed 1,093 people subject to a ban on entering European territory and a freezing of their assets.

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Where are the European sanctions taken against Ukraine? Invited by franceinfo on Monday May 9, the European Commissioner for Justice Didier Reynders lifted the veil on part of the response, which concerns the freezing of assets. “We are approaching 40 billion” euros of frozen Russian funds, replied member of Ursula von der Leyen’s commission. “A large part comes from the Central Bank of Russia, but we are approaching 10 billion in frozen assets for the oligarchs. It is progressing every day”he further developed.

The EU has frozen nearly 40 billion euros in Russian assets, according to European Commissioner Didier Reynders

Last week, the European Union listed 1,093 people subject to a ban on entering European territory and a freezing of their assets. Among the personalities present in this list (article in English)we found in particular Vladimir Putin, his Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sergei Lavrov, and the boss of the oil company Rosneft, Igor Sechin.

Businessmen and oligarchs, such as Roman Abramovich, are also registered there, as well as deputies, members of the National Security Council and senior civil servants. Added to this are 80 entities accused of being linked to the war in Ukraine.

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