On the set of 23 hours of Franceinfo Tuesday, December 7, Christophe Ramaux, economist, teacher at La Sorbonne and member of the “Terrified Economists”, and Etienne Lefebvre, editor in chief France and international of the newspaper Les Échos, discuss the possible establishment of ‘a European minimum wage.
The question of the European minimum wage is debated within the European Union. A difficult measure to put in place according to Christophe Ramaux, economist, teacher at La Sorbonne and member of the “Terrified Economists”. “We have development inequalities which are such in the European Union, between Bulgaria on the one hand and France, Germany, the Nordic countries, that we cannot have a European minimum wage. there was one, it would necessarily be very low “, he explains.
French and international editor-in-chief of the newspaper Les Echos, Etienne Lefebvre believes that “what you have to aim for is not 1,000 euros here or 1,500 euros there. What you have to aim for is a share of the median salary”. “France is rather well placed on this since the minimum wage is equivalent to 61% of the median wage. The median wage, there are 50% of employees who are above, 50% of employees who are in- In other countries like the United Kingdom, Spain, Germany, we are below but it is going up and Europe sets a goal: it is to go towards this bar 60%. And that makes sense since we take into account the various savings “, he emphasizes.
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