The European House of Press Cartoon and Satirical Cartoon will be well located in Paris

The municipalities of Saint-Just-le-Martel and Limoges were candidates but Emmanuel Macron will officially confirm the choice of the capital at 5 p.m.

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The European House of Press Cartoon and Satirical Cartoon will be well located in Paris, the Elysee confirms Tuesday 11 January to franceinfo. Emmanuel Macron’s official announcement must be made at 5 p.m. during his greetings to the press.

“One more snub, one more contempt for rural areas”, reacted Monday on France Bleu Limousin the president of the Departmental Council of Haute-Vienne, Jean-Claude Leblois. The municipalities of Saint-Just-le-Martel and Limoges were candidates. The chosen one refers in particular to the long history of the International Caricature, Press Cartoon and Humor Fair of Saint-Just-le-Martel, which celebrated its 40th anniversary last September.

With six cartoonists, Maryse Wolinski, widow of designer Georges Wolinski, asked Emmanuel Macron in a forum in September to commit, as he had promised in 2020, for the creation of a House of press and satirical drawing. “This European House of Press Cartoon is a house of freedom of expression, a house of democratic values”, she had underlined on franceinfo.

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