The herbicide can be used in the European Union until December 2033, after a report from a European regulator finding that the level of risk did not justify banning it.
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The European Commission will renew the authorization of glyphosate in the European Union for the next ten years, the institution announced in a press release on Thursday November 16. Previously, EU member states failed to agree in a second vote on the Brussels proposal, it has been learned France Televisions from diplomatic sources.
The qualified majority required to validate or reject the text (i.e. 15 states out of 27, representing at least 65% of the European population) was not reached. The votes were identical to the ballot which took place in October, except that this time Italy abstained.
The European Commission now wants to renew its green light for the use of the herbicide until December 2033, after a report from a European regulator found that the level of risk did not justify banning the substance.