The essentials to watch on Crave

Crave is full of great choices of movies and series. Here are the suggestions of our journalists.

Ticket to Paradise

It’s stupid and mean, always free, and we want more. Obviously. Because it’s also just to die for (laughs). We would have taken more. Of course it is sewn with white thread (neon pink!), it is to be expected with a comedy of the genre. But we won’t complain about laughing heartily from the very beginning to the very (all!) end of this very pretty film, with candy morals, to do with his daughter, well (but maybe not his ex!) .

Silvia Galipeau

Le Petit Nicolas: what are we waiting for to be happy?

What is the strength of this film? It’s the brilliant idea of ​​alternating between the biographical account and the adventures of Little Nicolas. The screenplay, written by Anne Goscinny and Michel Fessler, mixes reality and fiction. The line of the cartoon is faithful to that of Sempé, which makes it a real marvel, produced by Amandine Fredon and Benjamin Massoubre. This film is sparkling, funny and touching.

Olivia Levy

Falcon Lake

In this first feature film by Charlotte Le Bon, an apprenticeship story that flirts with the codes of genre cinema, the 36-year-old filmmaker skilfully deals with first times, petty jealousies and the humiliations of an ungrateful age. The director manages to create and sustain this tension, thanks to a particularly neat and subtle production, both dark and luminous, made up of splendid plays of shadows on faces and silhouettes. And an anxiety-provoking soundtrack.

Marc Cassivi

Infinity Pool

We find both in Infinity Pool of body horrorof gore, grotesque masks of ancient rituals, blood in abundance, hallucinated orgies and explicit sex (even if a censored version is presented in theaters). Director Brandon Cronenberg refrains from answering all the philosophical questions posed by his story, and we end up giving up trying to understand everything. Until the last image of the film, enigmatic, which offers a whole new interpretation to what we have just seen.

Marc Cassivi

And Just Like That… 2

The fans of Sex and the City smile at the appearance of Enid (Candice Bergen), Carrie’s former boss at vogue, in a well-crafted episode on old age with, as a bonus, a cameo from feminist Gloria Steinem. The portion where Carrie records the audio version of her book is very touching and written with finesse. Twenty-five years after the airing of Sex and the City, I feel the same thrill when the camera shows Carrie Bradshaw at the window, tapping on her MacBook. And just like that, you almost find Che Diaz likeable. Almost.

Hugo Dumas


Comedian Billy Eichner, best known for his series Funny or Die’s Billy on the Street, signs here a first scenario by putting forward a sentimental relationship combined with the masculine, told in a rather frontal way, within the limits of a production intended for a wider audience. With this story that could almost end with “They lived happily and had many children” (in a possible sequel perhaps?), Bros is like the more polite flip side of the same coin.

Marc-Andre Lussier

the innocent

Louis Garrel, whose previous feature films were written either with Christophe Honoré ( The two friends ) or with his mentor Jean-Claude Carrière ( The faithful man, The crusade ), this time called on the novelist Tanguy Viel ( Unsuspected ). Crossed by elements of frank comedy, the screenplay, awarded a César, focuses first on the evolutionary look that Abel poses on Michel, but it also explores the nature of the unfailing feelings binding a mother to her son. Rediscovering a little the spirit of a cinema of the past (which the poster graphically evokes), the innocent is the result of a truly beautiful mix of genres from which no one could have predicted such a beautiful result. Call it movie magic.

Marc-Andre Lussier

Life According to Otto

Life According to Otto revisits a universal and predictable story: that of a totally unsympathetic being that love and, above all, perseverance will end up coaxing. This curmudgeon has a bigger heart than it looks. Flashbacks support the drama of Otto’s past. By explaining, in great detail, the reasons for his old anger against mankind. However, the script also adds more contemporary elements to the story, including the place of social media and transidentity.

Luc Boulanger

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