“The essentials” of the measures lifted on March 14 | “We will have to learn to live with the virus”, launches François Legault

(Québec) Le gouvernement Legault jette du lest et présente un plan de déconfinement qui s’étalera jusqu’au 14 mars, date où « l’essentiel » des mesures sanitaires sera levé. Québec abandonne la « limite légale » permise dans les rassemblements privés. Les salles de spectacle pourront rouvrir au maximum de leur capacité dès le 28 février.

Publié à 13h00
Mis à jour à 13h51

Fanny Lévesque

Fanny Lévesque
La Presse

« On pense que c’est un risque calculé de vous présenter aujourd’hui un plan de déconfinement, c’est une étape importante », a lancé le premier ministre en conférence de presse. « Il va falloir apprendre à vivre avec le virus, la COVID est là pour rester », a expliqué M. Legault, qui invite les Québécois « à gérer leurs risques » et faire preuve de prudence dans leurs activités.

À compter de ce samedi, il n’existera plus de limite légale au nombre d’invités à la maison. La Santé publique continue par contre à recommander une limite de 10 personnes par rassemblement privé ou les personnes de trois adresses différentes. Dans les restaurants, toujours à compter de samedi, c’est cette règle qui sera appliquée : un maximum de 10 personnes à table ou de trois adresses différentes.

« Jusqu’à la semaine dernière, il y avait trop d’incertitude […] the risk was too great, ”argued Mr. Legault. Quebec nevertheless expects the new relaxations to lead to an increase in hospitalizations in the coming weeks. Hospitalizations have gone from 3,400 three weeks ago to some 2,400 today, which gives the government “room to manoeuvre”.

Quebec is also relaxing the rules surrounding sports and cultural activities. From Monday, February 14, sports matches will again be authorized as the presentation of outdoor shows with a limit of 5,000 spectators. The following week, from February 21, businesses will be able to reopen at 100% capacity. The capacity of performance halls and places of worship will be increased by 50%.

February 28 will mark the end of compulsory telework and the return of sports tournaments. Places of worship and performance halls will be reopened at 100% capacity, with the exception of the Bell Center and the Videotron Center. It will also be the reopening of bars, but dancing and karaoke will remain prohibited until March 14. It is also on March 14 that restaurants will be able to completely reopen their dining rooms.

“On March 14, most of the measures will be lifted,” rejoiced Mr. Legault, while Quebecers will be able to get closer to “normal life”.

Quebec has opened the door to the end of wearing a mask on school benches after March 14, according to the evolution of the epidemiological situation. The vaccine passport is however “here to stay”, assured the Minister of Health, Christian Dubé.

The end of the health emergency will come after the adoption of a bill which will specify the exceptional measures to be kept, such as the vaccination passport and bonuses in the health sector. The legislative text will be tabled in March and its adoption could come this spring.

If François Legault favored a “soft” deconfinement two weeks ago, he ensures that the plan presented on Tuesday is always progressive and cautious. Remarks supported by the acting national director of public health, Dr.r Luc Boileau. The latter says he is sure that the measures announced will hold up over time. Mr. Legault mentioned the possibility of advancing or delaying certain dates.

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