The (essential) wetlands

Ponds, lagoons, salt marshes, ponds, marshes, streams, peat bogs, alluvial valleys, floodplains, … Wetlands have their world day. It takes place on February 2, the anniversary of the signature of the “Ramsar Convention” on wetlands.

Throughout this day, environmental protection associations, local authorities, companies, farmers, fishermen, hunters, tourist office mobilize and share with as many people as possible their passions for these environments between land and water.

“Acting for wetlands means act for humanity and nature“, this is the theme of 2022.

What is a wetland? What’s the point ? Why are we destroying them? What are the consequences ? And how to preserve them?

We talk about it with our guest Michèle Jund, volunteer at France Nature Environnement Midi-Pyrénées as a member of the Adour-Garonne Basin Committee and President of the Natural Environments Commission.

Today, she represents the association in various working, exchange or decision-making committees, in particular on the Basin Committee and campaigns for the rehabilitation of the Sivens site.

Passionate about theatre, she dreams of creating a play with all the water actors.

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