the essential role of disease prevention and monitoring



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For lack of a good health coverageone in four French people has already given up seeking treatment and this can have consequences. The doctor and journalist Damien Mascret takes stock of the 19/20 set.

When you don’t hesitate to consult your doctor, you don’t hesitate to tell him about the symptoms, even unusual symptoms. For example, we have a child and a teenager who starts to drink a lot of water, it may be that he is developing diabetes. This means that of the 2,300 children or adolescents who develop diabetes each year, unfortunately, half will end up in the emergency room in a diabetic coma, whereas 9 times out of 10, the parents had correctly identified the symptoms.says doctor Damien Mascret on the set of 19/20.

There is also disease prevention and monitoring.It is above all the follow-up of invisible diseases such as diabetes, cholesterol, hypertension, because there, if the assessment is less good, your doctor will obviously adjust the treatment so it is very important. Then prevention is crucial”continues the doctor.

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