The escalation of wokism | The duty

[…] In his recent column “The escalation of the n-word” (The duty, July 14, 2022), Emilie Nicolas explains why radio and other programs where the n-word is mentioned should be preceded by a “simple warning”. And this, even in a context of information […]. I disagree with this cautionary proposition.

[…] In my opinion, this is a form of infantilization inspired by wokism, a well-meaning and elitist ideology which allows itself to think for us, who would be incapable of the judgment necessary to receive proposals, even contextualized, on issues that appeal to each person’s gaze on the Other. Moreover, I cannot help but see in all these warnings a framework of thought with uncertain drifts which, in the end, comes to impose useless and dangerous limits on freedom of expression.

And as the columnist Pierre Trudel summed it up well (The dutyNovember 9, 2021) in another context (Supreme Court judgment in the Marc Ward-Jérémy Gabriel case), “making freedom of expression dependent on the sensibilities of people who claim the right not to be offended, it is to deny its very existence.

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