the epidemic is racing around variants



France 3

Article written by

PY.Salique, Reunion the 1st, S.Korwin – France 3

France Televisions

Tuesday, November 30, all indicators indicate that the health situation is deteriorating in France, with 47,000 cases detected in the last 24 hours. A rather alarmist picture to which is now added a great unknown: the Omicron variant.

In one week, the health situation has deteriorated sharply in France: + 40% of admissions in critical care, and 47,000 new cases in 24 hours, Tuesday, November 30. In mainland France, no department is below the alert threshold for the incidence rate, and the Delta variant is omnipresent. The tension is also focused on the Omicron variant. One case has been identified in Réunion. The infected man, 53, stayed in Mozambique, then made a stopover in South Africa before passing through Mauritius. He is now in solitary confinement.

“Travelers returning from these countries do not necessarily have symptoms, and can spread the virus a little silently without anyone realizing it, before there are more severe forms that lead to identification, which will lead to sequencing “, indicates Professor Antoine Flahault, epidemiologist and professor of public health. On Wednesday December 1, the prefecture of Saint-Denis (Reunion) is expected to announce regional flight restrictions. In metropolitan France, the results of the sequencing of eight suspected cases in metropolitan France are also still awaited.

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