Currently, this procedure must go through the courts and requires, for the applicant, to demonstrate that the mention of his sex in the civil status documents does not correspond to that by which he presents himself and is known.
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The environmental group in the Senate tabled, Tuesday April 2, a bill to facilitate the change of gender in civil status in “diversionary” the procedure. It aims to be able to modify the indication of sex on one’s civil status by simple request to the town hall, without going to court. The text, carried by the senator for French people abroad Mélanie Vogel and co-signed by 15 colleagues, intends “end the discrimination suffered by transgender people”.
The text thus provides for making it possible to correct the mention of the sex of one’s civil status thanks to “a declaration given to a civil registrar”, without any supporting document, such as a medical opinion, being necessary. This declaration would then automatically constitute a modification of the person’s birth certificate, which could also modify their first names. “by right”.
Currently, this procedure must go through the courts and requires, for the applicant, to demonstrate that the mention of his sex in the civil status documents does not correspond to that under which he presents himself and is known, through, for example , written testimonies attesting to transidentity.
“No one is asking cisgender people to prove who they are. Trans people simply deserve no less.”argues Mélanie Vogel, already on the front line recently on the inclusion of abortion in the Constitution.
A future bill on trans minors tabled by the right
This bill, which is not on the Senate agenda at this stage, comes as the senatorial right presented a report in mid-March on the transidentity of minors, criticized by associations. He recommends banning the administration of puberty blockers to minors who are diagnosed with “gender dysphoria”, that is to say, suffering linked to the mismatch between the gender felt and that of birth. This report will also give rise to the tabling of a bill, according to the Les Républicains group.
There is no count of transition requests among minors in France, but all stakeholders agree that, although very rare, they are on the rise. In 2020, just under 9,000 people in France were beneficiaries of a long-term condition for transidentity (a status giving the right to reimbursement for certain care), of which only 294 were minors, recalls a report from the General Inspectorate of Social Affairs.