“As elected officials, we are obliged to inform the public prosecutor of possible offenses brought to our attention,” explains environmental regional councilor Pierre Janot.
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The environmental group in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region will take legal action after the publication at the end of October of an investigation by the Radio France investigation unit pointing to suspicions of ghost jobs within the team close to Laurent Wauquiez, president of the region, Franceinfo learned on Friday November 10 from regional environmentalist advisor Pierre Janot, confirming information from The Lyon Tribune.
“As elected officials, we are obliged to inform the public prosecutor of possible offenses brought to our attention”explains the advisor.
According to this investigation by the Radio France investigation unit, four jobs within the team close to Laurent Wauquiez are suspected of being ghost jobs on a local scale and mainly focused on the presidential election of 2027. The day of the publication of this investigation, Laurent Wauquiez, president of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, denounced “false information”. “This article is based, and I regret it, on information that is misleading, erroneous and dishonest”he assured.