the envelope of the Ministry of Health “will be on the rise”, assures the Minister Delegate for Health Professions Agnès Firmin-Le Bodo

This increase will be presented to the Council of Ministers at the end of September. The Minister also calls for continued vigilance regarding the Covid-19 epidemic.

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The budget of the Ministry of Health “will be up“in 2023, assures the Minister Delegate for Health Professions Agnès Firmin-Le Bodo on France Inter on Saturday September 17. The social security financing bill (PLFSS) will be “up an Ondam (national health insurance spending target) of around 3.5%.

The project will be presented to the Council of Ministers on September 26, specifies Agnès Firmin-Le Bodo. The Minister Delegate for Health Professions speaks of a “sick hospital” from “a good twenty years“.

On Wednesday, September 14, the Director General of WHO said that “the world has never been better positioned to end the Covid-19 pandemic”. “We can share this optimism, but if we look at the figures since the beginning of the week, we see a small increase so vigilance remains in order”nuance however Agnès Firmin Le Bodo.

“We invite all people who have not done their second booster – fragile people and people over 60 – to do so. We are awaiting the opinion of the health authorities to find out if we are launching a new vaccination campaign this winter, in connection with the flu vaccine”insists the minister again.

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