the entry of the leaders of the far right into the future government of Binyamin Netanyahu does not pass in Washington

Pending the exact composition of the coalition and the government, the United States is apprehensive about how the Likud, which came out on top in the polls on Tuesday, will tackle major international issues.

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How will Benyamin Netanyahu approach and manage the various international affairs? If the final results of the Israeli legislative elections have not yet fallen, the United States is already taking the lead, and anticipating its relations with Israel. Washington has indeed expressed its fears the day after the first results of the ballot, on November 2, 2022, giving in mind the “Netanyahu bloc“, which brings together the right, the far right and ultra-Orthodox religious Jews.

>> Legislative in Israel: who are Binyamin Netanyahu’s far-right allies, possible kingmakers of the next government?

Their main concern is the entry of far-right leaders into the Israeli government. The spokesman for the US State Department is unequivocal: the United States hopes that the next Israeli government “continue to“to respect the”minority groups“The Israeli-American Relationship.”has always been based on our common interests, but also, importantly, on our shared values”added Ned Price.

The online media Axios (article in English) reveals that the American administration could “have a problem working with certain ministers“. The names are not mentioned, but we recognize them.

Among them, Itamar Ben Givr, a far-right MP, is seeking the Ministry of Public Security, which would lead him to ensure the maintenance of order in the Arab towns of Israel, in East Jerusalem and in Muslim holy places. Bezalel Smotrich, head of far-right partyreligious zionism“, wants to become defense minister: he would then be in charge of the occupied West Bank.

Both also want to annex this territory, which worries the new Arab partners of Israel, such as the United Arab Emirates, as well as the oldest such as Egypt and Jordan. This return of Binyamin Netanyahu also confirms that a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not for tomorrow.

source site-24