Video length: 11 min
Violence against minors: “The entire repressive arsenal already exists”, assures a magistrate
The day after Gabriel Attal’s announcements on minor violence, Kim Reuflet, president of the magistrates’ union and Antoine Jardin, CNRS research engineer, are guests of franceinfo, Friday April 19.
The day after Gabriel Attal’s announcements on minor violence, Kim Reuflet, president of the magistrates’ union and Antoine Jardin, CNRS research engineer, are guests of franceinfo, Friday April 19.
According to Kim Reuflet, magistrate, president of the magistrates’ union, after Gabriel Attal’s announcements on minor violence, “there are amalgamations made between very serious acts and juvenile delinquency more generally”. She criticizes the Prime Minister for having chosen “a very repressive axis”. “The entire repressive arsenal already exists (…) on the other hand what is missing, these are means“, develops the magistrate.
“It’s really a small part”
For her, removing the minority excuse is not a solution. “It is a challenge to the founding principles of juvenile justice”, develops Kim Reuflet who asks for more tools to implement educational measures. She recalls that 50% of juvenile delinquency is property crime. Of the 2,400 crimes that resulted in convictions in 2023, 163 involved minors. “It’s really a small part”she assures.
“The homicide rate is rather stable, even slightly declining in the long term in France, and the share of minors in these homicides, we have no evidence to indicate an increase”confirms Antoine Jardin, CNRS research engineer, teacher at Sciences Po, also guest of franceinfo.