the energy diagnosis of small housing raises questions


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Real estate: the energy diagnosis of small housing raises questions

Real estate: the energy diagnosis of small housing raises questions – (FRANCEINFO)

Article written by

franceinfo – C. Adriaens-Allemand, R. Casalis, I. Delion, S. Pichavant, D. Breysse, C. Théodore

France Televisions

In France, two million homes are classified F or G. The latter, considered thermal sieves, will be prohibited from renting from 2025. Diagnosticians are calling for an exemption for small areas.

In the city center of Toulouse (Haute-Garonne), a 33m2 apartment is considered a thermal sieve. Despite major insulation work, one problem remains: the size of the water heater. The second fault: a wall that faces the outside is not insulated enough. As a result, the accommodation is sanctioned with the letter F. Like this apartment, in France, two million accommodations are classified F or G. The latter will be prohibited for rental in 2025.

The rental market turned upside down?

According to diagnosticians, due to this method of calculation, one in three homes of less than 30m2 is considered a thermal sieve. Received at the Ministry of Housing on Thursday, November 30, they requested an exemption for small areas. They want to change the rule so as not to force too many apartments out of the rental market. The government is seriously studying the measure.

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