The energy defense council, reduced deliveries of Russian gas, the hottest summer of 2022 since 2003…

Around Victor Matet, the informed discuss the news of Tuesday, August 30.

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Reading time : 1 min.

The themes :

Energy Defense Council: it meets on Friday around Emmanuel Macron as the Russian giant Gazprom further reduces its gas deliveries to France

Ukraine: the counter-offensive in the south to retake the city of Kherson, currently in Russian hands

Climate : the hottest summer 2022 ever experienced in France after 2003…

Pakistan : the flood spiers of the country’s history

The guests :

Jannick Halimi, political journalist at Le Parisien
Mariam Pirzadeh, journalist and columnist at France 24.
Laurence Saillietcolumnist, political columnist, former spokesperson for LR.
Patrick LeHyariccolumnist at l’Humanité.

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