France Télévisions’ first native podcast launched in 2019, the “Comptoir de l’info” is lowering the curtain. Its author, François Beaudonnet, delivers here a farewell message to the listeners and guests of this “podcast”
Reading time: 3 min

“And at the news desk today, it’s not an episode,
No, I leaned on this bar that has been welcoming us for 5 years now to tell you that the information counter is closing its doors after almost 50 episodes.
In front of this microphone and at my side, came war reporters – be careful, they don’t want to be called that – their exact title is grand reporter! Presenters, presenters, cameramen, we say “JRI”, foreign correspondents, all journalists from France Télévisions but also from Radio France.
And you, dear listeners, you who have been following us for a long time, you know that they all really opened up: they told how they make their reports of course – that was the goal of this podcast, to show you that we have nothing to hide and that journalism is a form of craftsmanship, but they went much further: they expressed their fears sometimes, their doubts often, their immense demand for truth, always!
And I’ll tell you a secret: while I thought I knew almost all of them well, since they are often office neighbors, colleagues, colleagues that I rub shoulders with on a daily basis, well “at the information desk”, they surprised me. By their demands, by their professionalism, by their humility and also because some of them moved me, almost to tears: these people will recognize themselves when listening to me.
In any case, I would like to thank them all for everything they have brought to us – I say us – because I have had a lot of enthusiastic feedback from you, dear listeners.
And since before taking a bow, we thank: I would like to express my gratitude first to you listeners, but also to the sound recording operators of France Télévisions who have accompanied and supported me since the beginning of this adventure. I cannot name everyone, but I am thinking in particular of Timothée Le Hec who recorded and edited most of the episodes of Comptoir de l’info. Thank you Timothée.
So that’s the end of this beautiful “podcast” I love this term that Quebecers use to designate podcasts. I will of course continue to find you on France 2, on France Info radio and on France Info TV…and so I say to you: “hello and see you soon!”
Finally, if you want to contact me about the “Comptoir de l’info”, you can send me an email at [email protected] (my first name without cedilla)
Francois Beaudonnet
You can subscribe to this series on the Radio France application , Spotify , Deezer , Apple Podcasts , Google Podcasts and AudioNow. About the podcast: “At the information counter” is the first native (audio) podcast from France Télévisions. In the form of a journalistic interview, an actor who produces the public service’s television news — a senior reporter, a cameraman, a presenter — comes to open up, tell, reveal the way he works. In the sound of a coffee counter, he confides his doubts, his joys, but also his fears when he is in the field or in the studio. Since May 2021, the podcast “At the information counter” also receives journalists from Radio France (France Inter, France Info, France Culture) at his microphone. The series is produced by François Beaudonnet, editorialist on franceinfo (channel 27), senior reporter on France 2 and columnist on the show “Nous, les Européens” on France 3. A former correspondent in Rome and Brussels, he started out in radio where he presented the 1 p.m. news on France Inter. This episode was directed by Timothée Le Hec