The State had terminated its contract with the high school in December 2023, citing “serious breaches of the fundamental principles of the Republic”. On Monday, the court ruled that these breaches persisted despite corrective measures.
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The administrative court of Lille validated for the second time in summary proceedings, on Monday July 22, the termination of the State contract with the Averroès high school in Lille, the main Muslim high school in France, confirming the end of public subsidies on September 1, 2024.
The court found that there was no “no reason to maintain the association contract linking the Averroès high school to the State until the decision to terminate this contract, taken by the prefect of the North, is examined by the trial judges”according to a communication sent to AFP. Contacted by AFP, the school’s lawyer could not be reached immediately.
In December 2023, the State terminated its contract with this high school, founded in 2003, arguing that “serious breaches of the fundamental principles of the Republic”. The prefect accused the high school of having opposed, without sufficient reason, an unannounced inspection by the Documentation and Information Centre (CDI) and of having cited as a source for Muslim ethics courses a collection of religious texts including commentaries which advocate the death penalty in the event of apostasy and the segregation of the sexes.
In February, the administrative court, which had already been seized in summary proceedings, confirmed the prefecture’s decision, finding that the establishment had failed to meet its obligations on two occasions.