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Every year, millions of tons of plastic end up in the oceans. On January 1, 2022, the anti-waste law entered into force, prohibiting certain packaging. Producers had to adapt.
The plastic films surrounding fruits and vegetables will soon be part of the archives. A period of six months authorizes the producers to liquidate the stocks. Packages of this type are living their last weeks. Instead, a perforated cardboard tray, tested to hold the fruit over time. But this replacement comes at a cost. “You have to take into account the investment of the old machines, not amortized, and make a new investment to close the new trays”, explains Antoine Cheminant, a tomato producer, who also points out that “paper is more and more expensive”. He estimates that the additional cost is between “30 and 40%”.
But the demand is there for now. If the tomato has found a solution, the radish still has cold sweats. The elastic surrounding the boots got a tolerance within days of law enforcement. An irreplaceable elastic according to Cyril Pogu, producer. “Regardless of the product, the elastic continues to tighten and hold the boot permanently.” For wet products, alternatives are hard to find. The anti-waste law currently concerns about thirty products. Today, more than a third of fruits and vegetables are sold packaged. The future belongs to cardboard and bulk.