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The Aquitaine coast is still very busy in this off-season period. Swimmers must be extra vigilant because, in the Landes, beach surveillance by lifeguards will end on Sunday 18 September.
In Contis (Landes), five lifeguards still ensure the safety of bathers on the beaches, but this daily presence will end on Sunday September 18, as on the majority of the Landes beaches, despite still summer weather and the world in the waves.
Fabian Pothier is in his twelfth season as a lifeguard. He will leave Contis Sunday with regret, because the volunteers do not would not miss to provide longer surveillance, he said. There remains the thorny question of the political will and the financial means that go with this extension. The town of Saint-Julien-en-Born (moors)on which depends Contissaid to think about a possible extension of the duration of surveillance, while recalling the cost that this represents. Just on the beach Contisnearly a hundred interventions have taken place since the beginning of the summer.