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Automobile subcontractors marched on Wednesday January 12 in front of the Ministry of the Economy. In 2021 alone, nearly 2,900 jobs were cut in SMEs that work for manufacturers.
They crossed France to come to the doors of the Ministry of the Economy. Two months after the judicial liquidation of their foundry, ex-employees of the SAM factory are not in awe. “It hurts the heart, especially for the territory“Says a protester. At their side, employees of the Poitou-Aluminum foundry, also threatened, made the trip.
These two companies, automobile subcontractors, are hit by the crisis. The culprits are all designated, according to the unions. “The builders have the right of life or death on their subcontractors, today they give the volumes, tomorrow they give them more, and you are dead “, believes Jean-Philippe Juin, CGT union delegate of the Poitou Alu foundry, who asks for the establishment of a “other industrial policy“.
The difficulties of the automotive sector are linked: closure of the Benteler factory in Migennes (Yonne), elimination of positions on the Bosch site in Rodez (Aveyron), or even liquidation of the MBF foundry in the Jura. On the evening of Wednesday January 12, 18 automotive subcontracting sites experienced liquidation, closures or job cuts in 2021. A total of 2,865 jobs were cut in the country. The situation is exacerbated by shortages of semiconductors, essential to the automotive industry. Some specialists also denounce the relocation of production.