The roadblocks will be maintained for “a few more days”, responded the citizen groups, while they study the government’s announcements.
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Now it’s time to take action. The law project “emergency for Mayotte” will be presented to the Council of Ministers on May 22, announced Wednesday February 14 the Minister of the Interior and Overseas Territories, Gérald Darmanin, and the Minister Delegate in charge of Overseas Territories, Marie Guévenoux, in a letter addressed “to the Mahoraises and Mahorais”. This letter formalizes the measures announced on Sunday by the two ministers during a trip to the island, including the end of land rights in Mayotte. “The government will put an end to the acquisition of French nationality in Mayotte in application of ‘droit du sol'”we can read.
“We now call on all the active forces of Mayotte to lift the roadblocks which today are totally suffocating the functioning of the island and hindering the action of the police in the fight against irregular immigration and insecurity, as we agreed with their representatives last Sunday”, also write Gérald Darmanin and Marie Guévenoux. They add that “if the roadblocks are effectively lifted, the Minister Delegate in charge of Overseas Territories will return to Mayotte in the coming days in order to work on all issues with collectives, economic players and elected officials.”
Dams maintained
The response was quick. Dams “will be maintained” Again “A few days” in Mayotte, the time that the citizen collectives united under the banner of “Living forces” are studying Gérald Darmanin’s written commitments in favor of the island, Safina Soula, a representative of this movement, assured AFP. “Analyzing the mail will take a few days. We have been blocking for three weeks, we can still wait a few days”she added.