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Hospitals ask for emergency rooms to be reserved in the most serious cases. In this weekendend of Easter, Saturday April 16, the hospitals are overwhelmed between the COVID-19, the flu and lack of staff.
At the Arcachon hospital center (Gironde)the emergency room is overwhelmed, Saturday 16
april. Yesterday, the emergencies welcomed 128 patients, a steady pace worthy
a month of August. Still too many people arrive at the emergency room when they
could be treated by their attending physician. “Many patients who
come have nothing to do here”, dsays a doctor.
Many patients wait between 3 to 5 hours in the corridors. “It’s been three
hours we’re just waiting for a catch blood”, reports a patient with his daughter.
The area is heavily populated with an aging population. Thus, the lack of
medium and staff is hard felt. “We have rooms that are too small, beds
insufficient endorsements, we also have a problem of staff”, pointed out the
doctor Rémy Lapeyre, head of emergencies at the Arcachon hospital center.