the Elysée assumes the arrival of the crown prince of Saudi Arabia



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Mohammad Ben Salman is targeted for complicity in torture and enforced disappearance by two NGOs, which filed a complaint, in the case of the assassination of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Valerie Structure is a duplex in front of the Élysée.

His arrival divides the French political class. Mohammad Ben Salman, the crown prince of Saudi Arabia dined with Emmanuel Macron on Thursday 28 July. “The Élysée insists that this visit is a necessity“, informs Valérie Structure, present on site. The French head of state wants to convince his Saudi counterpart to “open the oil valves“but also of”join the anti-Russian camp“while Saudi Arabia has still not taken sides in the Ukrainian conflict.

The Élysée also recalls that President Macron has always been clear about human rights in Saudi Arabia and will raise the subject with Mohammed Ben Salman. “The government is betting that the public will be more sensitive to the prices at the pump than the turmoil aroused by this brutal assassination which dates back two years“, concludes the journalist from France Télévisions

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