the eleven minutes that sealed the defeat of the Blue in the final of the Handball World

Two diametrically opposed faces. And eleven minutes that were enough to rock everything. After having largely waged hostilities in the first period (+4, 16-12 at the break) of the final of the world handball championship, Sunday, December 19, the French women’s handball team collapsed in the second. It was especially eleven nightmarish minutes, between the 41st and the 52nd, which ended up definitively sealing his fate. Eleven minutes without scoring a single goal.

There are 19 minutes left and the France team, which got off to a bad start in the second half hour, is led by two goals (20-22). The ball catapulted into the face of Cléopâtre Darleux (42nd) perfectly sums up the start of the second half of the Bleues: chaotic.

They can no longer force the lock of the Norwegian defense and lack fluidity in the offensive phases. Above all, the Blue clash with the goalkeeper Silje Solberg, on fire (12/24, 50% shots stopped in total). This is the case in the 45th on a shot from Grace Zaadi, then to the 46th when she deflects a shot from Lucie Granier. The Norwegian goalkeeper shines again a minute later, with a double save this time, on a nine-meter shot from Laura Flippes, then on another attempt by Pauletta Foppa to recover.

For their part, the wall and the defense of the Blue are no longer there. Laura Glauser, yet author of an excellent first period with six saves, no longer deflects any shot (6/27 in total, 22% save). She had allowed prevent the Norwegians from scoring in the first half. Above all, it had raised doubts about the opposing attack. It’s all the blue defense that lacks solidity. Facing tWith plenty of space, the Norwegians find the gaps and take the opportunity to widen the gap even further.

Ten minutes later (51st), the players of Olivier Krumbholz, still without a solution, are led by six goals (20-26). It is Laura Flippes who, on a counter (52nd), puts an end to the French famine and wakes up the attack of the Blue by registering an impeccable lob (21-26). But the gap is closed, confidence has changed sides, and so has the dynamic.

“We are very disappointed to have lost, to have played very badly in the second half and to have suffered a large score. We played very well during the first 20 minutes, but we should have returned to the locker room with two or three more goals.

Olivier Krumbholz

at the microphone of BeIN Sports

Completely adrift, the Blue scored their 22nd and last goal of the match one minute before the final whistle. Without even bothering to celebrate or smile. Because it will have missed 31 minutes for the French team to climb to the first place of the podium and achieve the double after their Olympic title this summer.

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