the electronic cigarette, soon a drug to stop smoking?



Article written by

S. Ricottier, C. Sinz, J. Ricco, F. Nicotra, C.-M. Denis, A. Dupont, A. Da Silva – France 2

France Televisions

Used to slow down or calm the urge to smoke conventional cigarettes, the electronic cigarette may soon be used as a medicine. However, he still has a long way to go before he gets to this stage.

For millions of people, it is a cloud of water vapor that accompanies their daily lives. The electronic cigarette has made its way into many consumers, with one main reason: the desire to stop smoking classic cigarettes. “I am a former smoker, I started using electronic cigarettes and I find that it really replaces, it’s less harmful, it costs less”, says a young woman. In a store dedicated to the sale of electronic cigarettes, the observation is felt.

Some tobacco specialists advise their patients to switch to electronic cigarettes in order to slow down or completely stop their smoking. Even if it means including it on a prescription. “I distributed, during consultations, 600 electronic cigarettes to polyconsumers so that they quit”, explains Professor Bertrand Dautzenberg, tobacco specialist at the Pitié-Salpétirère hospital in Paris. However, no scientific study shows that the electronic cigarette does not help to stop smoking. It will take many studies before it becomes a drug.


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