the electoral lists were finalized on Monday, no new registration is possible

The electoral lists are finalized on the date of the presidential decree, specifies the Ministry of the Interior.


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An electoral map in June 2024. (JEAN-MARC BARRERE / HANS LUCAS / AFP)

People who were not registered on the electoral lists before Monday June 10, the date of publication of the presidential decree, will not be able to vote during the early legislative elections of June 30 and July 7, the Ministry of the Interior announced on Tuesday June 11. “The election will take place from the electoral lists drawn up on the date of the decree. This therefore means that there is no additional time to register on the lists”replied the ministry, requested by AFP.

According to electoral law, a person can vote if they are registered before the sixth Friday preceding the first round of the election. “The election having been announced, the deadline of the sixth Friday preceding the election as the registration deadline cannot be implemented”, highlights Place Beauvau. This freezing of the electoral lists also concerns new adults who will celebrate their 18th birthday by June 30, despite their automatic registration – on condition of having completed their citizen census at 16 -, continues the Interior, requested on this point by AFP.

“On the other hand, all people who registered between May 3 (registration deadline for the European elections) and the decree are indeed registered for the legislative elections”adds the ministry. Furthermore, it will be possible to establish a power of attorney “in a completely dematerialized manner”whereas this possibility was only open for the European elections until then. “It will therefore be possible for June 30 and/or July 7 for voters with a digital identity certified by France Identity to use this method of establishing a proxy.”

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