The election will be the hour of truth for the Legault government, believes Duhaime

The election campaign will allow Quebecers to judge the “not very good” record of the Legault government, believes Éric Duhaime.

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“An election campaign is first and foremost an opportunity for the population to pass judgment on the record of the outgoing government,” proclaimed the leader of the Conservative Party of Quebec, in front of his electoral office in the riding of Chauveau.

However, this assessment is far from satisfactory in the eyes of Éric Duhaime, who accuses the government of having failed in health, in the economy, and in education, citing postponed surgeries, the shortage of staff in schools and the galloping inflation as an example.

Photo QMI Agency, Gabriel Côté

As a result, the Conservative leader said he was happy that the election was finally called, which he said would force François Legault to “come out of his ivory tower” and defend his roadmap.


The Conservative leader wants to distinguish himself from the other parties. In his speech, he pleaded that “the other four parties are not in the same place as us”. A few days ago, he even spoke of a “solidarity-liberal-PQ coalition” to accentuate the contrast between the other political parties and his own.

To support his point, Éric Duhaime stressed that his party is the only one to speak of “responsible exploitation of hydrocarbons” and to argue that the reduction of greenhouse gases is a “planetary issue” and not a “local issue”. “.

This does not prevent him from supporting at the same time that his ideas “are making progress”, and from congratulating himself that they are taken up by the other parties. “We proposed substantial tax cuts. Twenty-four or forty-eight hours later, the Minister of Finance, Éric Girard, and the Premier of Quebec, François Legault, came out of their silence to say that finally (…) they were going to lower taxes”, he said.

A “historic” election

After October 3, Éric Duhaime predicts that “the whole political scene” is called upon to change.

“This is an election that is historic for Quebec. We are perhaps in the process of definitely getting out of the federalism-sovereignty spectrum”

Growth potential

The PCQ is the party with “the greatest potential for growth,” said Éric Duhaime. He considers that his party is “little known” and that more people will adhere to his ideas when they are put forward during the electoral campaign.

Duhaime denies using health measures to attract votes

“It’s interesting, I just gave a speech in which I didn’t mention sanitary measures once. Mr. Legault advertises to tout his record on health measures. I think that if there is someone who tries to use sanitary measures, it is Mr. Legault”, launched Éric Duhaime, calling on the Prime Minister to “be clear with Quebecers” about the possible return of health measures after the election. A few minutes earlier, the Conservative leader agreed that at present, “there are no health measures”.

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