the election results inspire relief and concern in the African press

The African media are alarmed by the progress of the far right despite the re-election of Emmanuel Macron.

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France Televisions

Writing Africa



Reading time : 1 min.

“Marine has lost and it is (almost) all of Africa which breathes a sigh of relief insofar as the fund of its political trade comes down to the fight against immigration, in particular African”, analyzes L’Observateur Paalga after the second round of the French presidential election which saw the re-election of Emmanuel Macron on April 24, 2022. “However, if they can rejoice in the new failure of the standard-bearer of the RN, Africans would be wrong to jubilate because Macron looks more like a stopgap than anything else”, warns the Burkinabe daily.

From Dakar, Senenews calls on the re-elected president to completely review his African policy: “As François Mitterrand did by making aid conditional on the establishment and respect of democracy at the La Baule summit in 1990, the current French president must make this principle a precondition for any cooperation. At the same time time, to give France its former glory on the international level, particularly in Africa, it must observe a radical change by refraining from interfering in the political affairs of countries”.

“This advance by the far right already raises the risk of a victory for its candidates in the legislative elections next June. The threat of (his) coming to power is not completely ruled out. If the Elysée is spared, Matignon is now in the crosshairs of sovereignists and extremists”, notes the Algerian pure-player TSA.

Analysis shared by Réalités on line. “The different camps will now focus on the other important election in June 2022: the legislative elections. In this regard, Emmanuel Macron may have difficulty obtaining a comfortable majority in the National Assembly in order to be able to govern. like Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s France Insoumise and Marine Le Pen’s RN are already betting on Parliament”, note the Tunisian site.

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