the eldest daughter of Vladimir Putin in the worst possible condition… his biggest project aborted because of the Russian president!

On February 24, 2022, Vladimir Putin announced the invasion of Ukraine by his military troops. To date, the toll is heavy. In addition to the towns destroyed, more than 691 civilians (including 62 children) are believed to have perished according to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). At the same time, more than 2 million citizens are said to have fled abroad. For his part, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky deplores the loss of “12,000 men” within his army.

Despite the sanctions applied against his country, Vladimir Putin refuses to back down. “Russia intends to continue its fight without compromise against members of nationalist groups who commit war crimes,” the Kremlin said in a statement. “Any attempt to buy time through negotiations will only lead to adding more demands to Kyiv.”

But according to Vanity Fair, the family of the Russian president is beginning to be impacted by this terrible crisis. Starting with her eldest daughter, Maria Vorontsova born of her past union with Lioudmila Alexandrovna Chkrebneva. An endocrinologist by profession, the young woman wanted to open a renowned medical center near Saint Petersburg. Unfortunately, his project will not see the light of day… because of his father.

“Vladimir Putin destroyed all the ambitions of his eldest daughter by starting the war in Ukraine”, said investigative journalist Sergey Kanev. In recent years, Maria Vorontsova has specialized in rare genetic diseases. A subject she had mentioned last year for the channel Rossiya 24 : “Genetic testing can help diagnose at an early stage whether parents are carriers of a healthy gene or not.”

According to our colleague still in exile, the latter would also have separated from her husband Jorrit Faassen, a wealthy Dutch businessman. In the past, he worked in Russia with the Gazprombanks-Invest and Stroytransgaz groups, oil and gas companies. A black series for the main interested party…


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