the elders take the plunge


Video length: 2 min.

France 3

Article written by

France 3 Midi-Pyrenees, M. De Flamesnil, P. Hoaareau, H. Orduna – France 3

France Televisions

Residents of a retirement home in Aveyron benefit from diving sessions thanks to a diving teacher and a specialist in adapted sports. And the initiative, which is based on the voluntary work of seniors, greatly appeals to them.

Dare and fear nothing. At the swimming pool of Saint-Affrique (Aveyron), the motto has no age. Marie-Claude and Alice, residents of a nursing home in the city, begin their third diving session. Here, the dean is called Reine, 91 years old, and a mad desire to take up the challenge. “I’m happy”explains a woman, proud to have been able to overcome her fears.

new sensations

At the origin of this incredible experience, Cédric, specialist in adapted sports and Laurent, director of the Ehpad, himself a diving instructor. Every week, in complete safety, they accompany the volunteers in the water. “Ultimately, older people have a lot more abilities than we would like to believe”, notes Laurent Part, the director of the Ehpad la Miséricorde. Three sessions and already a success. For residents the opportunity to discover new sensations. And for some, to truly regain self-confidence.

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