This strike comes the day after the publication of an article in the newspaper “Le Monde”, which reveals that several LR-RN candidates in the legislative elections come from the “Stérin galaxy”.
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The weekly editors’ society Marianne announced in a press release on Thursday, June 27 broadcast on Xthat she had voted “a 24-hour renewable strike, which will begin on Friday, June 28 at 6 a.m.”. Repulsed by press articles claiming that billionaire Pierre-Edouard Stérin had links with the National Rally, the editorial staff ultimately opposed him buying the magazine.
“What appeared to be an individual ideological commitment turns out to be a partisan enterprise,” the company of Marianne editors said in a first press release on Thursday. The editorial team therefore “pronounced unanimously (…) against the purchase of the magazine by Pierre-Edouard Stérin”reversing a previous vote on June 21.
This spectacular about-face comes the day after an article in World entitled “How the billionaire Pierre-Edouard Stérin places his pawns in the RN”. In this article, the daily ensures that several LR-RN candidates for the legislative elections come from the “Sterin galaxy”by being notably linked to the Common Good Fund, a philanthropic structure created by the 50-year-old billionaire at the head of the Otium Capital investment fund.
The world also cites another article from the magazine Challengesaccording to which Mr. Stérin and the number 2 of Otium, François Durvye, bought in November the family property of the Le Pen in Rueil-Malmaison, via a civil real estate company (SCI). According to Challengesthis property, where the founder of the FN Jean-Marie Le Pen still lives, was sold for 2.5 million euros.