The editorial answers you | Three seat belts at the same time

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Stephanie Grammond

Stephanie Grammond

Q. “According to my understanding, the vaccination passport is not compulsory for all destinations. It seems that, for example, the Dominican Republic does not require it. Is it true ? ”


R. Do you feel that call from the South? With the chilly weather blowing, with the lifting of non-essential travel restrictions by the Canadian government, many travelers who spent the last winter at home are starting to have ants in their legs.

But what exactly are the rules? Let’s not mix things up.

First of all, know that the vaccine passport – the Canadian proof, offered on the Quebec self-service portal – is necessary to board a plane, train or ship leaving from Canada from the end of October, for all travelers aged 12 and over. The requirement applies to both domestic flights and those taking off for foreign countries.

To give travelers a last chance to get vaccinated, a grace period is granted until November 30. During this transition period, it is still possible to present a negative molecular test (PCR) carried out within 72 hours of travel, in place of proof of vaccination.

Find out about the vaccination passport in transport

In addition, some countries require a negative PCR test to let in travelers arriving by air, whether or not they are vaccinated. This is the case for Canada, the United States, Italy, China, Australia and even Japan. Among the sun destinations, the Turks and Caicos Islands, Puerto Rico and Barbados also fall into this category.

However, many countries have dropped this requirement. What is the point, in fact, if travelers are fully vaccinated? The Dominican Republic is in this group, as are Mexico, Cuba, France, Switzerland, Spain, Germany, and the United Kingdom, to name a few.

But as the rules can change without notice, Louise, you should validate the information before you go.

Visit the Air Canada Ready to Travel portal Visit the IATA Information Center

Remember: you absolutely must use the app ComingCAN to enter Canada.

Visit the application website ComingCAN

Oh yeah, and as if all that wasn’t enough, Canada also imposes random testing when travelers arrive at customs. Even if you are properly vaccinated. And even if you have a negative test taken a few hours before. It’s like having three seat belts at the same time!

It is time to revisit all of this, as we have already pleaded.

Read The Useless Barrier to Border Testing

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