The economy or the happiness of citizens

On the eve of the next election, the polls bode well for the CAQ. It is therefore likely that we will still be directed towards policies favoring the economy and “good-paying jobs”. This is the type of political program that has prevailed for the most part in Quebec for over twenty years. Thus, at the time of the Charest regime, the discourse focused on the “real business” with the Plan Nord. However, there has never been a public report showing the benefits of the activities that took place there. We know, however, that the work has increased the pile of residues that we must now dispose of at our expense and in an ecological way, which has not yet been found.

Economic policy continued to flourish with the Couillard government when it gave the Caisse de depot et placement the mandate to build the REM in Montreal in order to give this public institution the opportunity to reap juicy profits. At the same time, this operation allowed the government not to increase the debt, which went with its intention to reduce expenditure with a view to achieving a zero deficit.

For its part, the Legault government wanted to contribute in its own way to the good economic health of companies, particularly mining, by letting its minister distribute, without the evidence of convincing reasons, tens of millions to companies which only seemed to exist through state contributions. During this time, a housing crisis has developed which affects the poorest citizens and which allows big investors to make real estate an opportunity for profit rather than a housing necessity.

With regard to these aberrations, will a new government have the stature and the skills to master these kinds of problems which affect not only the economy, but also the happiness of the citizens? It is to be hoped that infrastructure projects, such as the tunnel and the Île d’Orléans bridge, designed and developed under a political formula, will not be carried out under this formula in order to be reviewed and analyzed by the competent people. in this matter.

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