The economy absent from the presidential campaign, the major projects of the next five-year term … The debates of the eco on Saturday, January 8, 2022

Every Saturday, two economists debate the topics that mark the economic and social news.

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Reading time : 1 min.

Around’Anne-Sophie Alsif, teacher in international economics at the Sorbonne, chief economist of the BDO France consulting firm, and Jean-Hervé Lorenzi, president of the Economic Meetings of Aix-en-Provence.

The economy, largely absent from the presidential campaign?

Will the economy be the big missing from the campaign for the presidential election in April 2022? The deadline is approaching, and the subject does not seem to fascinate the declared candidates. Economic issues in fact occupy little place in program projects, despite the importance attached to them by many actors in the field.

What essential files for the next five-year term?

Concretely ? On the background ? Quid… Whatever the declared candidates or future applicants, what are the priority issues that should occupy the campaign in the eyes of economists? Youth ? Use ? Purchasing power? Taxation?

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