the economic empire of the Wagner group


Video length: 3 mins.


Article written by

D. Schlienger, J. Ababsa, JJ. Buty, A. Etienne, C. Legros, @RevelateursFTV, J. Cohen-Olivieri – franceinfo

France Televisions

If the Wagner group has made a name for itself internationally thanks to the Ukrainian conflict, it actually has many economic interests throughout the world.

On the militia Wagner, we especially know the tens of thousands of Russian mercenaries, particularly on the Ukrainian front. But their boss, Yevgueni Prigojine, is in fact at the head of a sprawling economic empire, a multinational with nominee companies run by his lieutenants. They are established in dozens of countries and are accused of monopolizing resources. They make hundreds of millions grow. A man from nothing who became one of the richest oligarchs and closest to Russian power.

Large profits in Syria

“Evgueni Prigojine is an entrepreneur, a self-made man at the head of hundreds of companies and who has extremely lucrative contracts with the Russian administration”, explains the author of the documentary “Wagner, Putin’s shadow army”. Where he intervenes, economic interests are never far away. Syria is one of the most profitable countries. For each oil well secured, he would recoup 25% of the profits. It is said that to spot Wagner’s presence in a country, one must observe the comings and goings of Russian geologists. Sign that the businessman has sniffed out a new good deal.

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