the economic crisis is hitting the middle class, which is struggling to feed itself



Article written by

P-.L.Monnier, T.Maillet, A.Malesson, S.Giaume, Pavant, G.Bensoussan, A.Bouville, A.Brodin – France 2

France Televisions

Monday, July 25, Tunisia is over-indebted. With a high unemployment rate and increasingly expensive basic necessities, part of the population is unable to feed itself.

In Tunisia, the crisis is visible and food is becoming a challenge, Monday July 25. A woman, a young retiree, has a budget of three euros for her daily shopping. “The economic situation has never been like this, we no longer understand anything about what is happening“, she notes. Many people from the Tunisian middle class are on the verge of precariousness. A man stops buying fish. The prices of basic necessities have continued to rise. They are in an increase of 24.2% for eggs, 21% for poultry and olive oil and 17.9% for fruit.

At the same time, unemployment in Tunisia stands at 18.4% nationally and 42% among young people. Ahmed Sghiri, an industrial engineer, lost his job and became a traveling coffee vendor. Many graduates decide to leave their country to look for work abroad. The war in Ukraine, the decline in tourism and government instability have plunged Tunisia into over-indebtedness. A four billion dollar loan from the IMF is under negotiation.

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