Ebra, who owns several press titles in eastern France, explained on France Inter that he wanted to use artificial intelligence to “reread and correct” articles.
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Faced with the concern of elected staff representatives, the management of the Ebra press group “finally decided to suspend” its project to experiment with ChatGPT for the proofreading of some of its articles, Éric Barbier, union delegate of the National Union of Journalists (SNJ), told France Inter on Thursday October 26. Daily life The Republican East was to be the first to test this conversational robot using artificial intelligence.
The calendar was to be presented Thursday to employee representatives during a Social and Economic Committee (CSE). “The elected officials have designated an expert authorized to give us precise information on the consequences of such an experiment”, said Éric Barbier. After that, management decided to suspend this experiment.
The management of the Ebra group – which also owns Progress, Alsace, Vosges morning or even the Dauphiné Libéré – had explained the day before on France Inter, reserving the use of artificial intelligence (AI) for “a strict framework for proofreading and corrections”, namely the first and last proofreading of articles written by local correspondents. She wanted to be reassuring by specifying that the final version before publication should remain the sole responsibility of the journalists.