The Eastern REM must be built

I have been taking public transport for almost 20 years between Pointe-aux-Trembles and the city center. Via the metro, I saw the crowded cars, the saturated green line. Via the 430 bus, a route that substantially follows the route of the future REM de l’Est, I experienced the abominable traffic congestion on rue Notre-Dame and boulevard René-Lévesque. I tried to change my hours. I walked east in the morning to get a seat on a bus. I walked in the evening towards the west for the same reason, in order to support almost an hour and a half of transport: three hours of transport per day! In short, I am a user, far from the quibbles of governance, far from the quibbles of designers and architects.

The current project is not perfect, but no project ever will be. There will always be someone to say: it’s too close to my house, or it’s too far from my house.

But now, after decades of waiting, the people of the east are exasperated. After decades of announcing projects that did not come to fruition, the people of the east are exasperated. Where have the ARTM and the STM been for 30 years? Why didn’t you do your homework sooner? Why are you waking up today? The planet is on fire, but we still want more studies?

For people from the east, workers, students and seniors, being able to get downtown, to hospitals, CEGEPs and universities in 30 minutes is priceless. Being able to reach the REM de l’Ouest and then the airport, the South Shore, etc., is priceless. For us, the long wait is over.

Furthermore, I am convinced that our talented Quebec engineers, architects and designers will be able to give the REM de l’Est an acceptable appearance and resolve the main irritants.

We also want it to be built in Quebec.

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