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The closer we get to the front in eastern Ukraine, the more urgent the need to evacuate civilians. The authorities and residents fear an offensive by Russia, which is now concentrating its troops on this front.
Krasnopillya (Ukraine) is the lock village facing the advance of the Russians. They are further north of the country, less than ten kilometers away. Almost permanent exchanges of artillery are now part of the life of the rescuers, under tension. An armored ambulance brings them the wounded on the front. The Ukrainian armed forces concede that they are losing ground in this area. The Russian army has advanced seven kilometers in recent days.
On the road, the journalists of France Televisions cross many checkpoints and anti-tank obstacles. Taking the Donbass region is now Vladimir Putin’s priority objective. But despite their difficulties, the Ukrainian soldiers do not doubt for a moment. A few kilometers away, the city of Sloviansk (Ukraine), which the Russians want to take, is under permanent alert. The civilians are trying to leave their town by all means.