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France Télévisions is mobilizing to fight against cyberbullying, with the operation “Love without hatred”. Report in Val-de-Marne, where an association trains and warns in schools.
At the Léon Blum college in Alfortville, (Val-de-Marne) Cyberbullying is not uncommon. To help students, the school organized an awareness course for fifth graders. Alexy Shor is responsible for educational intervention within the e-Enfance association, which protects minors on the internet. It teaches students to react to bullying, by example.
According to the association, 20% of young people say they have been victims of cyberbullying. In this fifth grade class, we thus potentially find victims, witnesses and aggressors. “I realized that I have witnessed harassment several times without really realizing it, and I blame myself a little, because I could have done things to help these people“, says a student.
Farah, who was a victim, sees this course as a relief. “I didn’t know who to talk to about it, and I was scared, because I was told not to talk about it“, she says. E-Enfance has also opened a help line, 3018, a national toll-free number aimed at advising parents and adolescents.