the Duffaud charcuterie in Rivesaltes

He is the fifth generation of Duffaud in the same shop (the website). Philippe is proud to be selected for the final of the Catalan sausage world championship. “I cried when I learned about it thinking of all those who preceded me”he is moved again.

Philippe perpetuates the tradition with the Duffauds

The specifications of the competition are precise and Philippe wanted to respect tradition for his recipe: lean pork, a little fat so that it is not too dry, salt and pepper. “I don’t use spices because afterwards I think it makes chipolata”he laughs.

The Duffaud house is an institution in Rivesaltes, as evidenced by Philippe's ancestors here in front of the doorstep
The Duffaud house is an institution in Rivesaltes, as evidenced by Philippe’s ancestors here in front of the doorstep

What he likes above all in his job is to highlight the products. “I build my counter by playing on the different colors of pork, lamb, beef. Playing on the view is already delighting customers”, he explains. Everything is made on site with the philosophy of having less, but not buying anything out of the box.

In addition to the sausage he is presenting at the competition, Philippe is proud of the “magic triplet” recipes he has inherited from past generations: pâté, sausage, black pudding (well boutifare huh!).

A party open to all in partnership with France Bleu Roussillon

Organized by the Catalan Saucisse Club (Facebook page), the championship final will take place on Sunday June 5 at Parc de Clairfont in Toulouges. The eight finalist sausages will be cooked by heads of the department. Local wines and beers will accompany the meal to the sounds of bandas among others.
– 9:30 a.m. -> 11:30 a.m.: Election of the best Catalan sausage / event reserved for Club members.
– From 11 a.m. -> Doors open for all and launch of the festivities
– From 3 p.m. -> Prize giving & concert
– Admission: 5 euros for non-members

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