the drought affects fruit and vegetables in the market

The drought of recent weeks has had an impact on the production and sale of fruit and vegetables. And there is both good and bad news. Fruits that need sun are ahead, but other products do not grow due to lack of water. This is the observation of certain primeurs and producers on the Basse-Indre market, in Loire-Atlantique.

In the trolley of Odile, 92, seasonal fruits and vegetables. At her greengrocer, she chooses green beans and tomatoes. This retiree noticed that this year the tomatoes tasted different. “They are better than last year, sweeter. But they also have thicker skin, probably from lack of water.”

15 days ahead of melons and tomatoes

Another consequence due to the recent heat, fruits that grow in advance. Julien Bremond is a fruit and vegetable producer in Tessoualle, Maine-et-Loire. “On production, melon and tomatoes are 15 days or three weeks ahead of last year, he explains. Crops begin to decline with the drought. For the moment, it’s fine, but it will be especially complicated for autumn fruits and vegetables.”

So take advantage of it! This is what Pierre-Baptiste does, who is queuing up in front of his usual scoop. “Anything that can be taken in the summer, it must be taken, he smiled. In winter, we spend a lot of time waiting with rutabagas and leeks, it’s still not the same thing as good fruit.”

In this month of August, seasonal fruits and vegetables are the apricots, melons, carrots and zucchini.

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