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Saturday June 18, fires broke out in the Drôme. The day before, a dozen fires were extinguished in Ardèche. An exceptional situation at this time of the year.
The wind, the heat and very dry vegetation favored the fires in Drôme and Ardèche. Saturday evening June 18, near Grignan (Drôme), firefighters are still busy putting out a fire. The canadairs, present in the afternoon to help them, were called for another intervention. “We no longer have the planes, we have no means of access to the level up there. The wind always turns, so it’s very complicated“says a firefighter.
In all, 100 hectares of forest are threatened. Firefighters used a drone to understand the progression of the fire. This one has spread beyond a forest track, which will require more resources. “There are non-stop reruns, small fire jumps, small reruns everywhere, the swirling wind, it starts up again all of a sudden (…) it’s very complicated“, notes Jean-Christophe Fiess, firefighters of Drôme. In Ardèche, firefighters faced a dozen fires on Friday June 17.