the driver’s response in “TPMP”!

On March 6, 2023, a blind man filmed a surreal scene and posted it on social media. The video quickly made the rounds of the Web and outraged many Internet users. Anthony, 33, has to take his four-year-old daughter to school. He decides to order a VTC driver so that it does not arrive late. When the driver arrives, he refuses to take them. The reason ? Népia, Anthony’s guide dog whom the driver does not accept in his car. A violent altercation ensued. In particular when the driver notifies his “customer” that he cannot take the animal and that he can “choose on app” whether or not to accept the hairball. But as our colleagues from The Dispatchguide dogs for the blind must be accepted in any means of transport, on pain of a fine of 450 euros.

Once the situation has calmed down, Népia finally climbs into the back of the car, without the “permission” of the vehicle’s owner. The situation degenerates again as explained by Anthony on the set of “TPMP” this Tuesday, March 14 or with our colleagues from RMC: “And that’s when he completely freaks out, jumps on me, hits me in the ribs. He opens the driver’s side door in the back and then he goes after the dog. And I I have my 4 year old daughter who is on the other side watching”.

See also: “Can we talk to you?”, “I’m not the bus driver”: Raymond gets carried away with “TPMP”, tense debate with Cyril Hanouna

The version of the VTC driver to answer Anthony

This Wednesday, March 15, the VTC driver had a right of reply on the set of “TPMP”. And according to him, things would have happened much differently than what the “victim” was able to tell the day before. “I can’t take it”, explains the driver who recalled the details of the scene already broadcast several times, facing Cyril Hanouna.

If the driver could not take Anthony, it is also because he would be allergic to dogs according to him. “He insists, he attacked me too. There are things he removed from the videos. He is the one who is actually starting to insult me”he reveals in the daily newspaper of C8 before specifying the nature of the insults: “You are Arabs. What do you do in France…many things”. Racist insults that we can also hear in the video. But these were uttered by the blind person’s mother-in-law. The latter notably swung “go back to your country” or “go back to your country so you won’t have racism, he works here and he complains”… A speech that Anthony did not reveal during his visit to “ TPMP” and which could change the interpretation of this sequence…


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