the draft law on the vaccine pass is “villainous”, according to the presidential candidate Nicolas Dupont-Aignan

The candidate of the right-wing sovereignist party Debout la France in the next presidential election Nicolas Dupont-Aignan is opposed to the text examined by the law committee of the National Assembly on Wednesday.

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“The bill on the establishment of the vaccine pass is villainous”, estimated Wednesday, December 29 on franceinfo the candidate of Debout France in the next presidential election Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, while the law committee of the National Assembly examined the text.

“The problem is that when you are vaccinated, you always transmit”, denounced the candidate. “We are therefore going to tell people that they will no longer have the right to present a negative test to go to a show, to the cinema, to a restaurant or to take transport, which will absolutely not prevent the virus from circulating. “

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan also considers that this bill “does not concern only the unvaccinated” and he goes “also restrict the freedom of the vaccinated too, who do not have a real vaccine but an experimental injection every three months.”

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