The DPCP challenges the stay of proceedings against the former mayor of Terrebonne, Jean-Marc Robitaille, accused of corruption

The Director of Criminal and Penal Prosecutions (DPCP) is relaunching legal proceedings against the former mayor of Terrebonne, Jean-Marc Robitaille, and three co-accused. The DPCP has indicated on social networks that it will appeal the case.

Last October, judge Nancy McKenna freed the former mayor of Terrebonne and three co-defendants of the charges of corruption and breach of trust that weighed against them. She insisted in her decision that the prosecution had violated the rules of procedure. “State conduct is so shocking and persistent that it makes prosecutions oppressive and there is no solution other than a stay of proceedings,” Judge McKenna ruled.

Jean-Marc Robitaille, Daniel Bélec, Normand Trudel and Luc Papillon were all suspected of having participated, between 2001 and 2012, in a system of sharing contracts in order to favor engineering firms as well as certain entrepreneurs.

One of the defense lawyers, Me Daniel Rock, believes that the DPCP is shooting itself in the foot by insisting in this way. “I don’t agree 100% with the decision. I think what they did is more serious than what [la juge] said ”, he explains to To have to. “We will add, we others, what we consider to be more serious. They are creating a case law that is going to hurt the entire DPCP for I don’t know how many decades. Me Rock notes that new obligations in terms of disclosure may be added for prosecutors if the Court of Appeal rejects the DPCP’s request. ” We will have fun. “

“Due to the ongoing legal process, no additional comments will be issued for the moment,” for its part laconically tweeted the DPCP.

In early November, two members of the Permanent Anti-Corruption Unit (UPAC) responsible for the investigation were relieved of their operational duties following the stay of proceedings which Jean-Marc Robitaille was able to take advantage of. The body set up by the Quebec government in February 2011 is going through a serious crisis of confidence and its commissioner is giving herself until 2024 to ensure that its police force is recognized for its work in the fight against corruption.

More details will followt.

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