the double remuneration of overtime at the hospital, “propaganda” according to the CGT-Santé Action Sociale

The Secretary federal union CGT-Santé Action Sociale, Patrick Bourdillon, believes on franceinfo that it is an insufficient “carrot” to convince caregivers to stay in post.

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The Prime Minister, Jean Castex, announced Friday, December 17 that the remuneration for overtime worked in the hospital would be “multiplied by two” starting Monday, December 20. But for Patrick Bourdillon, federal secretary of the CGT Santé Action Sociale union, it is not “handing the carrot to the caregivers” that they will stay in office.

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For Patrick Bourdillon, this announcement “is very clearly propaganda. How can you say that to professionals who are exhausted, who have spent months working in increasingly despicable conditions, and who now find themselves facing a fifth wave when ‘do we know that the sixth is coming behind? “

“How can we have this irony and especially this contempt?”

Patrick Bourdillon

to franceinfo

“This is not the subject, but these are the perspectives that we will give”, still estimates the federal secretary of the CGT-Santé Action Sociale union. He calls on the Prime Minister to “answer favorably“at the request of the caregivers “18 months ago”, during the Ségur de la Santé, on the implementation of training plans. “It is necessary, in particular for the professions of nurses and nursing assistants to arrive, in a fast way, to have manpower”, justifies Patrick Bourdillon.

It also asks the government to organize the mobilization of private healthcare personnel, so that they can go and work, as reinforcements, in public hospitals.

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